It only seems like it, but I could swear and there are birthday parties every day at Kids Central.
Just this week there have been three—which means birthday cake at snack time and a small gift for each child upon leaving.
Some parents really go all out and considering that there are over 50 children attending, this can be a big expensive.
This week Kaia has received a kid-sized umbrella, tattoo set (see photo) and lots and lots of candy.
What’s a sweet withholding inclined parent to do?
Actually the tattoos were really funny during lunch as Kaia kept looking down at his arms, admiring the ‘art’ on his body and looking up with a big smile as if to say, “these are REALLY cool!”
Why I Love this Time: I didn’t realize that little kids can say things over and over and over and over and over again with so much energy and speed. I don’t know how many times I have heard “Kaia want it”…
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