As our days wind down, it is becoming more and more sad that Kaia and Joyce will leave one another.
He loves her so much and the feeling is likewise from her.
Just this morning, he was distracted and wanting to play rather than eat breakfast, and she sat with him paying a game of “lion and mouse bites” where she got him to eat the entire plate.
As the mother of three children, Joyce knows kids well, but even more than that, she has a very special way of meeting them at their level.
While I sometimes struggle when Kaia is not ‘behaving’ (but simply being a 2 year old), Joyce has a bottomless reservoir of patience that never ceases to inspire me.
I sometimes think what we did to be so fortunate to have her come into our lives as she has been the rock that he kept us all going.
I can say without doubt that if she were not here, neither would we.
Sometimes I think that she is like our

Tamil Mary Poppins, coming in to lift our spirits and care for us in remarkable ways.
While I don’t think she can fly, her regular visits to the temple and church to pray for our prosperity and safety surely puts her in the realm of gods.
When I think about leaving, I wont really miss having to clean and cook again (frankly, I miss these things), but the incredible loss of love that she given Kaia and our family.
Why I Love this Time: For him to have been able to spend this time with her.
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