Well, the day has finally come—moving day. This morning around 9:30am, after a morning visit to the sleeping Vishnu temple, the men from Multi-Movers arrived at our place and furiously dove into the wrapping and packing process. Tape was ripping, cardboard flying and emotions running high as our place was quickly transformed from a home to a storage facility. Watching the men pack up our things was quite difficult and it was particular hard to watch Joyce watch them box up Kaia’s stroller—something that they shared many hours together doing. We were all in tears at the movers methodically wrapped the bubble wrap and cardboard around the ‘trolley’, it was really hard to watch.

At around 12:30pm, Sethu and his family arrived with an amazing Keralan lunch—coconut fish curry, chicken, pappads, parathas, rice…it was heavenly! As well, Jasmine and her family also came by and it was really nice to have our friends her to share lunch together. While there was no place to formally sit, we converted the bedroom into a dining space and it couldn’t have been more comfortable. Kaia will miss Sethu’s children, Aravind (13) and Abilash (9), very much…

By 5:00pm, our landlord, Mr. Jayachandran came by to finalize the lease and about 30 minutes later, Muthatha and Valli (from Kids Central, she’s Muthatha’s cousin) came by to say goodbye. It has been a very sad day, having to say goodbye to so many close friends, but it seems like Kaia is doing a bit better than the last few days. I don’t know what tomorrow will be like…
Why I Love this Time: I don’t think I will really know for some time…
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