Another beautiful day of weather and relaxation.
We rented a peddleboat and took it out on the lake as a family in the morning.
Like the silly tourists we are, we all got burned by the son, me more than Kaia or indiamama.
My entire bald scalp seemed like it was under a magnifying glass and a few days later all the skin would peel off—how’s that for scalp cleansing!
We were a but apprehensive about taking Kaia on the lake without a proper lifejacket, but the little boat did have a life preserver and we tied Kaia to his mother so that he wouldn’t fall out.
While doing this in the
US would be seen as highly irresponsible and bordering on criminal, here it is odd, if not excessive.

I doubt that the number of drownings is very different from there to here, but certainly the cultural attitudes make for an interesting study.
Today was also the first day (I think) celebrating Tamil New Year (which is on Friday). In commemoration, there was a large procession packing the streets with pilgrims carrying peacock feathers, horns, drums and cymbals, and a rather curious and disturbing sight of a man swinging on top of a cart, suspended by dozens of large hooks, fixed to his skin. Words cannot describe it properly, so just check out the photos.

Why I Love this Time: While pestering the geese, one attacked Kaia and went for his toes. Watching Kaia laugh and scurry away was so funny that I actually encouraged him to go over to the goose again.
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