We had a small bit of Sunday drama this morning when Kaia locked himself in our bedroom. As I’ve learned is the case in many recently built Indian flats there are a locks and fixtures on just about anything that has a door, often times in multiple forms. Our front door, for example, has two key locks (accessed with different keys, of course), two sliding deadbolts and a turn lock. I still have not seen one person exit our front door cleanly when attempting to get out for that first time. It is quite the effort. When we moved in, we were handed this fistful of keys—probably 12-15 in total (no joke)—that opened everything from the laundry room door to the promenade drawers. Unlike how I eventually learned the many light switches and what they turn on and off, I never really got that hang of all of the keys. I suspect that, with just about everyone employing domestic help (the only person I ever met here without domestic help was my friend Sumiwati, from
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Locked In
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Kali Temple
Today we visited a Kali temple about 20 minutes from our home with Joyce. It is reputed to have special powers and those who make the journey there receive whatever they pray for—provided, of course, that they live rightly and have the deep faith that their requests will be answered. We have all come to be very comfortable at Hindu temples and even understand and are able to participate in some of the rituals. Joyce has been making the trek to this temple once a month for nearly one year and really believes that whatever you pray for at this particular temple, you will get. She says that her prayers have been answered a number of times this year. I'm thankful that she's praying for us...
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
I Want to Stay Here
Today at breakfast, I was talking to Kaia about going ‘back’ to the
Why I Love this Time: Lately, he’s been asking where Joyce is during times when he knows full well that she’s a home, like in the evening. I think that he’s anticipating his separation from her…
Monday, April 24, 2006
Nitin Uncle and Muthatha Aunty
Kaia really took to Nitin and was very sad to see him leave (as were we all, and sad to see Muthatha Aunty too!). We are looking forward to having them come stay with us in
Friday, April 21, 2006
Feeling Much Better
We’re all doing much better and Kaia is responding very well to the medicines. Outside of making sure that he takes his stuff at the right time of day, I haven’t been doing a whole lot. I had expected to be gone this week and next, so I had prepared accordingly…this has meant that there isn’t much to work on here and, mentally, I am still very much in vacation mode. Indiamama has been making up for lost time with her shopping and slowly coming back to life, which is great to see.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Stomach Infection
Well, when you’re still puking four days after a supposed bout with motion sickness, it is something more severe. Last night (Monday) Kaia started coughing just after he’d fallen asleep and then puked up another large quantity of goo. This was made all the more worse by an outbreak of hives all over his body that was (as hives can truly be) very disturbing to look at. We took him to the doctor’s today and it seems like he’s got a stomach virus. In some ways, I’m actually happy that this is what it is as it can be cured whereas acute motion sickness cannot so much. Of course, he is likely susceptible to becoming ill in challenging driving and boating situations, but he’ll be OK, I think. So, while we ended up canceling our trip based on a wrong diagnosis, the fact that he’s got a stomach virus, affirms that there was no way we could have traveled. So, it is five days of an awfully bitter antibiotic, accompanied by an anti-nausea, an antihistamine, zinc and a ‘good’ bacteria powder to help with the, oh yeah I forgot to mention, diarrhea. Hey, it could be worse—we could be in Darjeeling, cold and stressed as Kaia continues vomiting and we desperately search for a doctor…did I say how much I love being in Chennai right now, 100 degree heat and all?
Why I Love this Time: Being home for an illness, as being away, there’s nothing worse.Sunday, April 16, 2006
Precision Vomiting
So we got back early Saturday and still today (Sunday night) Kaia is sick. He seemed fine all day, playing and generally being himself, but tonight at dinner with Auntie Kate at
Friday, April 14, 2006
Kodaikanal: Day Six
Why I Love this Time: That decisions like this one are not difficult at all.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Kodaikanal: Days Four and Five
Why I Love this Time: While indiamama suffered in sickness at home, Kaia and I went out for a drive to hit all of the tourist spots. Of course, he was most interested in stopping to see the various road construction going on. Anyway, a monkey nearly attacked us trying to get Kaia’s apple juice (who doesn’t go crazy for sugar?) and while I was a bit concerned, Kaia couldn’t stop laughing.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Kodaikanal: Day Three
Monday, April 10, 2006
Kodaikanal: Day Two
In the afternoon we made our way down to the lake and did some ‘stall shopping’ and noticed the large number of Tibetan vendors. We bought a yak wool shawl from one kindly man who looked a lot like a old-school Japanese artisan and Kaia made friends with the different vendors who just couldn’t accept that I was from the US and not China or Japan. For many, it seemed like they were actually disappointed!
Why I Love this Time: Many of the slides here are made with concrete and very steep, therefore, kids can slide down at warp speeds. I don’t think that Kaia will be able to find comparable slides in the
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Kodaikanal: Day One
Friday, April 07, 2006
indiamama's last day
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Studio K Redux
Monday, April 03, 2006
A New Indiapapa
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Final Performance
Today was the big day, Kaia’s End of the Year performance at Kids Central. The children had been practicing for about two weeks and Kaia was a frog. Indiamama had sewn him some frog flippers and we bought him a nice lime green shirt and shorts to match the headpiece that was given to us by the school. While there were some practice that we needed to do with his jumping beforehand, he knew the songs and seemed excited for the performance.
We got there early and, like many of the other first-time parents, were jockeying for a front row seat with still and video cameras in tow. Of course, as the more experienced parents know, the front row isn’t the best place to videotape. Anyway, the theme was “creepy crawlies” and at 9:45 am the procession made its way out—bees, spiders, snakes, cockroaches, ladybugs and, of course, frogs. Maybe it was because it was my first experience with this kind of performance, but man, these kids were CUTE! Kaia took his place on his ‘cross’ and the show began.
Within each group of creepy crawlies, there were four to five children, and each group had its own song. For the frogs, it was sung to the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and the lyrics (as taught to me by Kaia) were:
Little green frog likes to hop,
Hoppin and hoppin and hoppin and hop.
Hop here, hop there, hop hop everywhere,
Hopping and hopping and a hop, hop, stop.
So, when it came to the four frogs, they were supposed to get into the frog squat and then hop their way to the center of the stage where they would all sing their song. Kaia made it to the squat position, but that was it. From that point on he froze. Of course, the other three kids moved with varying degrees of accuracy and one of the other children just decided to walk to the middle. It took Kaia’s teacher picking him up and simulating hopping to the middle of the stage to get him to move.
Yet, getting him there really didn’t make a difference. It just meant that he went from being frozen on the periphery to being frozen in the middle. Again, Valli came in and moved him around with the parts of the song and the entire time he had the same Kaia-face that he gets when he’s not quite sure how to process all that’s going on.
I had predicted to indiamama that this would happen as Kaia does not like to be put on the spot in a large group. He can be so outgoing in situations where he understands the setting, but for these kinds of circumstances where there are 70+ clapping parents, it is predictable that he would clam up. For me it was not so painful to watch, and I was laughing the entire time (he didn’t look pained himself) as it was so cute to see him frozen there in a squat.