Sunday, February 26, 2006

Community Event

Each term at Kids Central there is a school wide community event. Last term, if you remember, it was held at a nearby palace along the Adyar river, quite an impressive location. This time it was at a more humble locale—the Kids Central grounds. This term’s theme is “bugs and insects” and children and parents were asked to come dressed up in appropriate themed attire. Conveniently, Kaia has his grasshopper shirt so he was decked out in that, and his mama made us all antennae so that we could attend as a bug family. Being that it was from 400-530pm, Kaia’s typical nap time, he wasn’t in the most energetic of moods (although he hasn’t taken a proper nap in about a week), so it was close to papa most of the time. It being India and all, there was a snake charmer there with a cobra and ‘pet’ lizard tied up to a pole (I’d never seen such things before coming here), as well as face painting and themed food (‘squid sputum’, ‘ladybug pizza’, etc). One of the things that I will really miss about Kids Central is the great diversity of children and families. So many little critters from all over the world interacting with one another….it is really fun to be a part of.

Why I Love this Time:
Being reminded that I should be more mindful and appreciative of these last days here with him....what a unique gift this experience has been.

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