Today Kaia’s grandmother returned home and we all miss her.
It was a great time for all of us and Kaia really moved forward with his development, particularly verbally.
We did quite a few things, but most of all it was a chance for Kaia’s grandmother to experience his life here in Chennai.
Outside of a day trip to Mahabalipuram, the entire two weeks was spent here—taking Kaia to and from Kids Central, going swimming at the Club, meeting all of his friends, visiting his favorite restaurants, and more.
There were many photos taken, and rather than write up each one (I’m behind enough as it is with this blog) I’ll just put them up for your viewing pleasure.

With Sekar at Amethyst.

Fisherman's Cove

Drinking Tender Coconut at Dakshina Chitra


Kids Central

Milkshakes at Cedar's

Jasmine Aunty's Church (and husband, the pastor)
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