It has been a little longer than normal in-between posts and this is largely due to the recent arrival of Kaia’s grandmother, affectionately known as “Grandme”.
She arrived late Sunday night, after nearly 48 hours in transit between her home in
California and the Chennai airport.
Unfortunately, her luggage decided to take a slower path and did not arrive until Tuesday night with the ordeal compounded by the typical problems one finds in this country when you are assured that there’s “no problem”.
Of course, this only means that there is—and it is time to practice patience and tolerance.
Sometimes this is not as successful as indiapapa would like it to be…
Anyway, getting back to Grandme’s time here, Kaia is very happy to have her (see photo). Our home has always had people coming and going, so he’s come to really enjoy having guests—especially when they bring so many presents! Since last summer, the puzzle fiend has been waiting for a “tractor puzzle” that he asked his Grandme to bring from the US and it was with great excitement that it emerged from her suitcase after 2 days of extra wait. Most of the puzzles that are to be bought here are lacking in something—maybe the pieces don’t interlock properly, or the layers of paper peel right off—but other than wooden puzzles, it is hard to find good jigsaws.
As I have written about in other posts, having Kaia’s grandmother here is a reminder about how helpful it is to have family around. Since we’ve been living away from the US for the past two years, the kind of support that many of our friends take for granted (like dropping kids off so that you can have a night out) just hasn’t been possible for us. I also see the vast network of family support that many have in this country and it makes me a bit jealous. Of course, no one is stopping me from moving back to Orange County to be close to my extended family—Southern California itself does a fine job of that—but it would be so great if Kaia’s Grandme could take him to school more often than once or twice. Great for me, great for him. And I’m sure great for Grandme.
Why I Love this Time: Closing the bedroom door and telling me to go away so that he can poop in private.
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