Monday, August 22, 2005

No, Part II or No, from the other side

Last week I posted about using the word ‘no’ and trying not to do so too frequently. Well, of course, there is another side to this issue with a 2 year old, and that is how frequently they say it. For Kaia, just in the past few weeks, it can come like rapid fire (no, no, no, no, no, noooooooo) or in response to just about anything:

Indiapapa: The weather is nice today, isn’t it Kaia?

Kaia: No

For all of the concern that I have about controlling it myself, perhaps I am bearing witness to the power of instant karma and the impact that parental behavior has on our children. Or perhaps it is just Kaia growing into a personality that is too terrifyingly close to his old man…either way, it has me a bit spooked and irritated. I am hoping that it is just a phase, but somehow I anticipate that I am going to be hearing more ‘no’ than ‘yes’ over the next 16 years or so.

In an unrelated item, there was a rather funny exchange that happened today at a hotel that I usually goto when Kaia is at his pre-school. Because I go there 3 days a week to do work in their large lobby area, many of the staff members have come to know me and we chat regularly. Today, I was speaking to a security guard and this was the exchange:

Indiapapa: It is getting much cooler recently, isn’t it?

Security Guard: Yes, it is. You know, you are very handsome and strong looking. You are like Yul Brenner.

Indiapapa: Oh. Thank you.
Why I Love this Time: Three little toes that are all the same size and length.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I didn't think Jon would ever say yes. When he was that age I would ask him if he wanted ice cream and he would say "no". Finally at 3 years old he said "yes". He has always had a stubborn streak!