One month ago, along with my wife and (then) 20 month old son, I moved to India and began life as a full-time, so-called ‘stay at home’ father. My wife took a great job opportunity directing a public health education program on HIV/AIDS in Madras, Tamil Nadu and, while my work schedule has always allowed me to be around my son significantly more than even the most active working father, this is the first time that I will be his full-time and exclusive caregiver for longer than a few weeks. This weblog is a collection of thoughts and reflections about how this goes, with a particular emphasis on the unique experience of being an expatriate, full-time father in India. Most entries will center around mundane activities (going to the store, attending play group, crossing the street, etc.), but the hope is that they will open up a curious world of thought and emotion in the practice of the ordinary. So, with that said, Kaia and I invite you to peer into our lives and share your thoughts if you are so moved.